AlexRedSea Design
AlexRedSea Design
(+2) 01 222 59 00 38
(+7) 921 571 21 85

موقع لشركات و مكاتب الرحلات السياحية

☑ عميل:   Nice Time

☑ ما تم عمله:   website development, domain registration, hosting


is an excursion bureau, that operates in Hurghada.
The company offers many different kinds of excursions in Hurghada.

Website has an old design (2013). Domain name is related with company name.
AlexRedSea Design has made website in Russian language.

☑ الصفحة الرئيسية

Main page contains information about company and list of excursions.

☑ الصفحات الداخلية

Internal pages contain description of all excursions of the company, advices for tourists and contacts.


هل انت معجب بأعمالنا ؟ شارك

موقع لشركات و مكاتب الرحلات السياحية

☑ عميل:   Nice Time

☑ ما تم عمله:   website development, domain registration, hosting


is an excursion bureau, that operates in Hurghada.
The company offers many different kinds of excursions in Hurghada.

Website has an old design (2013). Domain name is related with company name.
AlexRedSea Design has made website in Russian language.

☑ الصفحة الرئيسية

Main page contains information about company and list of excursions.

☑ الصفحات الداخلية

Internal pages contain description of all excursions of the company, advices for tourists and contacts.


هل انت معجب بأعمالنا ؟ شارك