AlexRedSea Design
AlexRedSea Design
(+2) 01 222 59 00 38
(+7) 921 571 21 85

المحامي مبارك أحمد محمود
موقع مكاتب المحاماه

☑ عميل:   المحامي مبارك أحمد محمود

☑ ما تم عمله:   website development, domain registration, hosting, translation, promotional materials


is a lawyer, who operates in Hurghada.
He is professional in family law, business law, personal law, criminal law.

Website has the strict original design. Domain name is easy to remember. Website is adapted for mobile devices.
AlexRedSea Design has made website in three languages (Arabic, English, Russian).

☑ الصفحة الرئيسية

It contains information about services and gives possibility to order a free preliminary consultation. Dark colors and original design was choosed for the main page.

☑ الصفحات الداخلية

Light colors and simple time line design was choosed for the internal pages.


هل انت معجب بأعمالنا ؟ شارك

المحامي مبارك أحمد محمود
موقع مكاتب المحاماه

☑ عميل:   المحامي مبارك أحمد محمود

☑ ما تم عمله:   website development, domain registration, hosting, translation, promotional materials


is a lawyer, who operates in Hurghada.
He is professional in family law, business law, personal law, criminal law.

Website has the strict original design. Domain name is easy to remember. Website is adapted for mobile devices.
AlexRedSea Design has made website in three languages (Arabic, English, Russian).

☑ الصفحة الرئيسية

It contains information about services and gives possibility to order a free preliminary consultation. Dark colors and original design was choosed for the main page.

☑ الصفحات الداخلية

Light colors and simple time line design was choosed for the internal pages.


هل انت معجب بأعمالنا ؟ شارك